Saturday, October 8, 2011

Merlin S4E3 "The Wicked Day" GOODIE-BAG: trailer & clip! + lines of Merlin dialogue & spoiler-hints & 7 pictures (sort of Spoilery!))


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Programme Information


Merlin [Series 4 Episode 3 "The Wicked Day"]

Saturday 15 October
8.15-9.00pm BBC ONE

The mighty citadel is buzzing in anticipation of the Prince's birthday celebrations, as the fantasy drama continues. But Arthur's old adversary, Odin, promises to ensure this is one party Camelot will never forget – for among the assembling guests lurks a deadly assassin set to strike.

As the dust settles, Camelot is left devastated. Just how far is Merlin prepared to go to put things right; would he really risk everything and reveal his secret?

Bradley James plays Arthur; Phil Davis plays the assassin, The Gleeman; and Colin Morgan plays Merlin. Merlin also stars Anthony Head as Uther Pendragon, Richard Wilson as Gaius, Katie McGrath as Morgana, Angel Coulby as Gwen, Nathaniel Parker as Agravaine, John Hurt as the voice of The Dragon, Santiago Cabrera as Sir Lancelot, Tom Hopper as Sir Percival, Eoin Macken as Sir Gwaine, Adetomiwa Edun as Sir Elyan and Rupert Young as Sir Leon.

Merlin S4 E3 "The Wicked Day" Trailer

Merlin S4 E3 "The Wicked Day" Clip!
Check out Digital Spy's ten teasers for this week's Merlin below:

1. "I've been playing a dangerous game since the first time I set foot in Camelot."

2. The prince is not too happy with the "entertainment" at his birthday feast.

3. "I think that a lot of sorcerers are in the charcoal business."

4. The elderly Merlin returns and confronts Arthur once more!

5. "You've got *******, ******** and ******** to entertain you!"

6. At one point, Arthur forgets to put on his trousers.

7. "I take it you didn't come all this way just to smash my favorite pot!"

8. Arthur begins to suspect that there is something wrong with Merlin's bladder.

9. "Finally you will get all that you deserve, old friend."

10. Arthur gives Merlin a piggyback ride.


  • The episode starts off jovial enough, but takes a sadder turn
  •  “You’re not wearing any trousers!”
  • Uther fights for his life and someone else’s
  • Merlin takes the longest pee break ever
  • “I hope the image of my face haunts him”
  • “When I’m king, things will be different. You won’t have to live in fear”
  • Old Merlin orders a piggyback… and kicks Arthur
  • “By trying ** **** *** ******, Arthur will **** his ****”
  • Morgana is only half happy
  • “He will look to his trusted uncle for council and I will ensure that he fails”
  • Old Merlin attacks Arthur with magic
  • “I was so arrogant… That arrogance **** ** ****** *** ****”
  • Merlin may have to keep his secret for a while longer yet
  • Long live the King
  • The conclusion marks a pivotal moment for the series
Some of CultBox's

'Merlin': Series 4 Episode 3 teasers

click the link above to see MORE!!!

» 'There’s still so much I want to say.'
» 'Need I remind you the last time you used an ageing spell you nearly had yourself burned at the stake.'
» 'Don’t try and stop me because you can’t!'
» 'I felt it.'
» 'He’s more likely to have you hanged.'
CultBox did a Preemptive FIVE STAR review of S4E3 "The Wicked Day":

"Easily the best episode of the series so far, The Wicked Day sees an elaborate feast being held in honour of Prince Arthur’s birthday by the people of Camelot. However, some of the performers harbour a special gift for Arthur that probably wasn’t at the top of his wish list; assassination." -CultBox

"The Wicked Day is Merlin at its best, synthesising comedy and tragedy incredibly effectively. This is most evident in the ever-reliable performances given by the two male leads [Bradley James as Arthur & Colin Morgan as Merlin], who simultaneously produce their funniest and most emotionally truthful performances in the show’s entire four year run. The other principal cast member involved in the main story delivers an absolutely exquisite performance that’s sure to move a sizable proportion of the audience to tears." -CultBox  !!!!! This is the most exciting prospect in my mind; the whole point of Merlin is watching Arthur & Merlin transform into the characters from Arthurian Legend. I'm sure this will occur in a vastly different way than we expect & their relationship will end up as something very different from legend, but progress on this front is exciting, both for what we expect & how we'll be surprised! 

"The episode’s greatest success is the surprisingly simple emotional story at its core, which feels earned and genuine.  .  .  Morgana, a woman who was poisoned by the only person she trusted enough to confide in. More than any TV villain in recent memory, Morgana has a genuine, credible motive for hating the central characters.  .  .  The Wicked Day really is a phenomenal achievement. This is an episode you can’t miss." -CultBox

Airs at 8.15pm on Saturday 15th October 2011 on BBC One.

Pictures from Merlin Series 4, Episode 3, "The Wicked Day"  credit to

all images above credit to

S4 E3 of Merlin Airs at 8.15pm on Saturday 15th October 2011 on BBC One.

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