Saturday, December 15, 2012

MERLIN Series 5 Episode 11 Airs Saturday 15 Decmeber @ 8:15 pm on BBCOne

Merlin S5 E11 "The Drawing of the Dark" Synopsis: 

Confirmed for BBC One on 15 December at 8.15pm to 9.00pm
Mordred finds himself torn between loyalty and love, but little does he realise that the path he chooses will shape Camelot's destiny.
Merlin S5 E11 "The Drawing of the Dark" TRAILER

Merlin S5 E11 "The Drawing of the Dark" CLIP

Merlin S5 E11 "The Drawin of the Dark" TEASERS:

by CultBox
by CultFix
by *SFX lol (Merlin Fan/Great Dragon RP, plus ARTHUR: "It's damned cold in here... time to throw another Druid on the fire.")
by DigitalSpy
by SpoilerTV
by InsideMediaTrack

Merlin S5 E11 "The Drawing of the Dark" PHOTOS:

SPOILER WARNING!!!! for the photos below: (scroll WAY down to see):

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